Sunday, October 31, 2010

Knock Knock...Trick or Treat At My Mary Kay Website Today.

Today I am offering a TREAT for anyone who places an order... a FREE Mineral Eye Shadow of your choice. Just place your order and include any color of our awesome Mineral Eye Shadow in your order. When I charge you I will deduct the cost of the shadow from your order.

Mary Kay offers 31 wonderful shades of long lasting Mineral Eye Shadow. Order a refillable Mary Kay Compact or Mary Kay Compact Pro and keep your eye shadows, cheek color, and lip color organized and ready to go.

Don't forget about my early offer on the November Product of the Month special too! Buy any two items and get our awesome Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover for 1/2 price. Hope you all have a sensational Sunday.

Check back tomorrow for a touching tribute to my oldest child who turns 21. I can feel the tears building up already. Where did the time go?

I'm Paddy Pizappi. Hope You Get A Lot Of Treats Today And Have A Happy!

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Visit My Website For Great Options to Change Your Look and Your Life
Call or Text

Friday, October 29, 2010

Announcing My Product of the Month... Half Price Special

I am starting my November Special today. Buy any two items and get my product of the month for half price. This month the product of the month is the indispensable Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover! Whoo Hooo! This great product gently removes all types of mascara and and other eye products. Heck you can even use it to gently remove stubborn stage makeup and lipstick.

Check out all the great products Mary Kay has to offer on my website or call me to set up an appointment for a free facial or color consultation. We have a lot of gift items for men, women, and teens too.

Have a wonderful last weekend of October and a great November.

I'm Paddy Pizappi Take Advantage of my Product of the Month Special and Be Happy!

Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Call or Text 845-800-7086

Thursday, October 28, 2010

You Have to Risk Changing....

Sometimes you just have to make a change. Yesterday I got a haircut... not a trim but a whole new style. I have really kept the same cut for several years now and it was time for something new. I think a lot of us tend to stay stuck looking the same because it is comfortable. We know how to get up in the morning and get ready. Who needs to rock the boat?

Well comfortable can get downright boring and comfortable can make us complacent about moving forward in life. So today I have to ask you are you too comfortable with the life you have created for yourself? Are you stuck in one spot because it is less bother than working towards new goals and dreams?
Don't become a victim of the familiar.

By staying in our comfort zone we are missing out on new experiences and new possibilities. We are surviving but really not living life to it's fullest. Defining your dreams and planning the route to achieve them won't get you anywhere unless you are willing to step out of that comfortable place you have created for yourself.

On Thursdays I make a point of stating my thankfulness. I am thankful today that I am willing to risk change. My wish for you is that you shake things up and risk change too... it is the way to your dreams.

I'm Paddy Pizappi ... Take Some Risks And Be Happy!

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Visit My Website For Great Options to Change Your Look and Your Life
Call or Text 845-800-7086

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Don't Let Life's Emergencies Derail You... Determine, Deal, and Dream Again

So you are getting all excited about your dreams and goals and then it happens.... something derails you from your purpose. I am here to tell you that it does happen. No matter how committed you are to your goals, emergency situations do come up that force you to make a detour. The trick is to determine if the emergency is truly something you need to do something about and if it is you need to deal with it and get right back on track.

How many times have we go of a dream and not returned to it? I can count so many in my life and I am sure each of us can count them too. The year I took off of college... never to return. The times I made choices to become involved with the wrong people because they needed me not because they were the right kind of people to be spending time with, who changed the course of my life and sent me into a downward spiral. Oh so many detours that ended dreams.

I am grateful for the detours though as they have formed the person I am today. I am more determined than ever though to keep getting back on the track of persueing the dreams I have today for my tomorrows. That means sticking to the plan. That means not allowing life's little surprises to completely destroy my resolve. That means getting right back on the right track and moving forward.

I hope you are moving forward on the track to your dreams today. Remember identify the dreams, make a plan to help you get on track towards them, and keep that plan close so you can remind yourself of where you want to go.

If you are searching for something to help you gain self confidence, have fun, and earn money too, I have an opportunity for you. Why don't you jump on board my train, I mean Mary Kay Team.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Visit my website for skin care, cosmetic, and gift products and
to see how you can join my Mary Kay Team.

Call or Text 845-800-7086

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

If You Are Going To Fly You Need To Know How To Get To The Airport

After my post of yesterday on FOCUS, I did sit down and write out my dreams ...five personal and five business goals that I would like to see happen in my future. I then took that list and broke each dream down into plans to implement that will bring me closer to the goal. What good is saying you are going to fly and not figuring out how to get to airport?

What can you do today to help you reach those ultimate goals? For each of us it will be different but my plans include small steps forward and I even remind myself to celebrate each tiny victory along the way. If you are working toward something you need to keep your nose to the grindstone but you also need to have a little fun along the way. If you are too driven you will burn out long before the finish line.

So are you still with me? If you did not take the time yesterday to write your dreams do it now. I mixed in short term goals and long term dreams on my list. Some of you might find having vision of the distant future difficult so start with more concrete shorter term goals. If you find it impossible to imagine yourself with more money than you could possibly use then focus on paying off just one credit card. Picking goals that you can achieve sooner will help you to have a vision for a grander future. You can do this! Now get to it.

If your "route to the airport" involves making extra income or increasing your self confidence give me a call. I have a plan that is helping me and it might be right for you too. Part of my dreams involves helping others to fulfill there dreams so you won't be distracting me at all.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Visit my website for skin care and cosmetic needs
to learn more about the Mary Kay opportunity

Call or text 845-800-7086

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Word Of The Day - FOCUS

If you don't know where you are going how will you ever get there? It is important for each of us to take the time to produce a set of personal and professional dreams. Think about where you would like to see yourself in a month, a year, and beyond.

Sometimes you may find yourself just floating along, doing "busy work" day in and day out. It might be that you have been too overwhelmed with life for a while. You may have been dealing with a personal crisis that put you on auto pilot or you just got stuck looking down at the grind stone and forgot to DREAM.

Personally, I think the past week or so has found me in a little bit of a personal and business rut. Today I am going to spend some time renewing my focus so that I can move forward in all areas of my life. So who want's to join me?

I have been challenged by my Mary Kay Director to list 10 personal and business dreams today. I woke up with this assignment on my mind and feel it is probably the most important thing I need to do today. So I am off now to work on the list. Check back tomorrow to see how I did and to tell me if you committed to join my FOCUS group.

I'm Paddy Pizappi and refocusing on our dreams will make us happy!

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Visit my Website to see all the Wonderful Skin Care and Cosmetic Products I offer.
Call or Text to order or to join my team 845-800-7086

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Do You Have a Sour Taste In Your Mouth? Ignoring Yourself Can Do That.

Are you giving your all for everyone else? Do you give of yourself until it hurts? Guess what? You aren't doing anyone a favor if you are not taking care of yourself too.

I am not advocating being selfish. I don't want you to stop doing for others, I just want you to remember that you count too. Giving people tend to ignore their own needs and at some point we start to become resentful. Oh it might not be apparent even to them but they will start to see that the patience that they always had for others is gone. They will continue to give but they will be doing it without joy. If you have lost that feeling that doing for others is the best way to make yourself feel good then you are burning out. It is time to take a few minutes and yes even a little cash to make you whole again.

This morning I was thinking about how little time so many of us really give to ourselves. Before I starting taking care of my skin I would blaze through the bathroom, shower, slap on some foundation to cover up the dry and tired looking skin, and finish with a little blush to try to brighten the dull mess. It really took about the same amount of time that I now take with my skin care routine and great for my skin mineral powder foundation but before I wasn't seeing any positive results only a thinly veiled attempt at covering up. Now I give myself permission to take the time and spend about a dollar or two on me every day. I truly feel better about everything so I can be more helpful to those around me.

Feeling good about yourself is the best gift you can give to your loved ones, friends, and the people you work with. Then you can give without the sour taste of resentment in your mouth. I guarantee it is in there if you are ignoring your own needs for others even if you don't recognize it right now.

I'm Paddy Pizappi and I Say You Have The Right To Be Happy!

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Are You Feeling Kinda Punky?

We can start to feel ho hum if we have had the same look forever. Well if you haven't changed your makeup colors and application techniques since the dawn of time or shortly thereafter it might be time to join me for a makeover session.

I offer makeovers almost every Monday night in the Newburgh area and on many Thursday nights in Middletown. Join me for a relaxing facial followed by a fresh new look as we try out different aspects of makeup application. If these nights are not good for you call me to arrange for a skin care session at your house. Call a few friends and make it a party!

If you don't live in the area don't dis-pare. I can send samples and the tools on my website can help you with virtual makeovers that will allow you to see yourself in the new look before you buy. And don't forget with Mary Kay you are never stuck if that color you thought looked marvelous turns out to be a dud. Simply call me up to return it for a refund or another shade.

So don't stay stuck in the rut. Call or text me today to get started on the route to a whole new look.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting Older Is Inevitable But Growing OLD Is A Choice

I heard a woman say that she didn't care anymore because she was OLD. I could clearly see that she didn't. She was dressed for work in clothing that was intended for working out not being out at work. She didn't take care of her skin and it was looking tired and sad. Yes clearly she did not care.

She sounded worn out. She was not enjoying life, she was just getting through it. I felt bad for her because it seemed she had given up. I was curious so I listened further, yes I admit I am a little bit nosy. Then she said it... I couldn't believe it.... this tired old lady was only 3 years older than me. I wanted to shake her.

We all have problems, life is filled with them. We can let the problems overwhelm us and make us OLD before our time or we can choose to be happy to have the chance to make a difference each day.

I take pride in taking care of myself. I try to be the best I can be every day. I refuse to feel my life is over and give up. There is way too much living to do.

If you are feeling OLD because your face is showing signs of your age give me a call. We can do something about it no matter how much you have ignored it in the past. There is nothing wrong with growing older but getting OLD is not where it is at. When you look in the mirror it should reflect someone who is happy to be here and ready for the next adventure. It is all in how we appear to ourselves that really matters after all.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Work With Me And You'll Be Happy!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where Will You Find The Cash For Gifts This Year?

I went shopping yesterday for a few things and noticed that the stores are all gearing up for the the holidays. How many of you are wondering how you are going to get through them this year? You may be feeling the strain of too few dollars and too many bills to pay. Well if you are willing to work I might just have an answer for you.

This is the time to get started with your own business. People are looking for quality gifts at affordable prices that are easy to obtain. You can be the one to provide these to them by becoming an Independent Mary Kay Consultant. Not to mention the savings for you on your own holiday shopping.

Call me, text me, or visit my website to learn more about making money with Mary Kay today. I am looking for women to join my team who are trying to build for a better life for themselves and their families. Take the first step today.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Join my Mary Kay Team and Get Happy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Living a Joy Filled Life.

Being Joy Filled.....

I work at it every day. Some days it is easy. Other days I have to search for the spark of joy but search I do because it does make life better. Don't stop searching until you find it each day.

I choose to be positive. Yes difficulties enter all of our lives but it is our choice how we respond to them. Don't let the situation dictate your attitude.

I spread it around. You really never know when you are going to be that one thing that helps someone else make it through the day. Don't keep your joy to yourself.

I am Joy Filled! Why don't you join me today.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Join my Pretty Pizazz Team of Consultants for a
Positive Opportunity for Extra Income and Fun!
Call or Text 845-800-7086

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just Who Is Going To Get Us Out Of This Financial Mess?

Times are tough. I know that most of us are feeling the squeeze of the slowed economy. In many homes it means less of everything. In some homes it means a lot less of the extras and in others it means way to little to get by on. I am a little tired of hearing how someone needs to do something to get us out of this mess. I think we have come to rely on bale outs and hand outs far too much. In truth the times of easy credit and a government that provides so much in the way of aid to those in trouble have created a feeling of entitlement that paralyzes us from doing our own part. The truth is that for you and your family YOU are the someone that has to do something about it.

I am looking for women who are ready to do something about it. If you are ready to help yourself and help your family rise above this financial mess I can give you the tools to do it. Mary Kay provides the all the ingredients for a successful business..... quality products to sell, awesome training and professional presentation tools to help you sell them, and the best profit potential around! You will need to add your enthusiasm and your sense of purpose and you will be on your way to making that extra you and your family need. It might even provide more than the extra, it could become a full time career. It is all up to you.

So if you are tired of waiting for your fairy godmother to come along. If you are ready to stop wishing for a better way and start working towards a better life. If you want to make a difference. Give me a call. I am ready to help you help yourself today!

Paddy Pizappi

Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Join my Pretty Pizazz Team of Consultants for a
Positive Opportunity for Extra Income and Fun!
Call or Text 845-800-7086

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It Is Early, I Know, But There Is a Reason.....

I know it is early to start on the holiday shopping hype. There are many people feel that the meaning of the holidays is lost in all the gift wrap and bows but there are equally as many who feel that acknowledging someone with a token of appreciation and love brings joy to the giver and receiver. I feel that there are some aspects of gift giving that can take away from the joy and the focus of the holidays. The stress of shopping, of hitting the malls filled with people who are all searching for the right gift for everyone on their list, the feeling you are forgetting someone, these can all bring your holiday down.

It is for this reason that I have started my Stress Free Holiday promotion this early. Let's get together and go over your list, we'll check it twice, and I will do my best to find the perfect gift at the right price for every man, woman, and teen on your list. Sorry there are no young children options in my Mary Kay line.

Think about how great it will feel to have the shopping out of the way before the mall madness begins. Imagine a festive time when you can focus on the reason for the season and your family and friends rather than how late the stores are open and if you can finally finish by the big day. Call me to set up a Gift List Review today.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Join my Pretty Pizazz Team of Consultants for a
Positive Opportunity for Extra Income and Fun!
Call or Text 845-800-7086

The Way To Wake Up Every Day

What did you think about when you woke up this morning? If you are awake and haven't had a positive thought yet you are setting yourself up for a difficult day. Wake up thankful each morning just for the chance to make a difference in your life or the life of someone else. Be glad for all the blessings you have then think about your to do list, the difficulties that you may be facing, and the troubles of the world. If you aren't thankful first your approach to everything else will be negative and stressed.

Try this tomorrow morning.... open your eyes and take a deep breath. Close them again and think about the things that you appreciate about your life. I know that even at the darkest of times there has to be something I can be thankful for so I know you can search your life for that positive place. Open your eyes again and get up. See if your attitude is lighter. It will make your world and the world of those around you better.

And if you woke up wrong today... take a moment right now to rewind. Find a quiet place to close your eyes for a moment and be thankful for something. Take a deep breath and you will feel a change. Trust me it will. I hope you all have a wonder filled Thursday. Start out thankful and you can't go wrong.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director
Join my Pretty Pizazz Team of Consultants for a
Positive Opportunity for Extra Income and Fun!
Call or Text 845-800-7086

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Let Your Light Shine - Share Your Passion Today

Sharing our passions is a surefire way to feel good. When we can turn someone else on to a "love" of ours and have them adopt it as something they enjoy it creates a sense of worth and validation to our own passions. It is also risky. You do risk having negative comments and hearing about all the reasons you should not love what you do love. But if you keep your passions under cover you are truly being the selfish one.

Sometimes people just aren't interested in what you are saying at the moment. Some people are not ready to hear about something exciting and joyful because they are weighted down with other things in their lives. Take heart though because you may mention it today and have someone come back to you months down the line because they remember your enthusiasm and are ready to find out what it was all about.

Sometimes you will find someone who is so totally negative about your excitement that they will never respond. That's ok too. The experience will teach you how to handle rejection a little better. Just don't let their negativity shut off your mission to share.

But at those perfect moments when you find someone who is ready, willing, and able to hear your words you will double your joy and find someone who will be so valuable to you as you grow. These times are the reason to keep on shining your light.

So go out there today and tell someone else about something you are passionate about. Talk to anyone willing to listen and you will find joy in spreading your love to others. Take that little light and let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.....

Paddy Pizappi

Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today Is A Special Day - 10/10/10

Today is 10/10/10 and a lot is being made of this special day. A lot of people are doing special things like getting married or engaged, doing something extra ordinary to make this day as unique, and making it clear that there is only one such day ever. Well every day is a special unique gift and perhaps we should all treat every day with the same awe and celebration.

Imagine if we lived each day full out. We purposely involved ourselves in work we truly enjoyed. We consciously made efforts to reach out to loved ones and make sure they knew how much they mean to us. We methodically planned our lives to get the most out of every day just like these special days.

My plan for the time between now and 11/11/11 (the next triple day on our calendar) and beyond is to make every effort to start each morning by thanking God for another wonderful day, to live each day to it's fullest, to love with fierce abandon all of my friends and family, and to make each day a special day.

Who want's to join me???

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Text or Call 845-800-7086

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Is It Time For A Change?

I was noticing how many people were thinking of new hair styles and colors. We are also pulling out the fall and winter clothes as temperatures drop and so changing the way we dress. Changing the way you look on the outside can greatly improve the way you feel on the inside.

Another way we can make a dramatic change is through skin care, with or without a new makeup palette.
You will be amazed at how much better you look and feel when you start using a quality skin care routine like our Mary Kay TimeWise products. There are five things you should be getting out of your facial skin care routine. You need to:
  • Cleanse to remove makeup and impurities that hit us square in the face all day everyday.
  • Exfoliate to remove the dry dead skin cells that dull your skin.
  • Freshen to tone your skin and refine pores.
  • Moisturize to hydrate your skin... yes even those of you with oily skin need to hydrate!
  • Protect your skin from sun and environmental damage.
The TimeWise Miracle Set provides all of these to you in 3 simple steps. It also helps to smooth, firm, soften, energize, and rebuild skin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles, It is a wonderful routine to get into. With 5 minutes in the morning and five minutes at night it is quick and it costs less than a dollar a day for amazing results. Once you have your skin looking it's best you will see how much better you look. If you are not a "makeup" girl finishing off with a protective mineral powder will seal the deal and at the same time even out skin tone variations. You can stop there or go on to a new color look without risk.

What do I mean by no risk? All of the Mary Kay products carry a 100% satisfaction guarantee so if you get home and wonder what was I thinking about when I chose that color don't worry. Just call me up and we will replace it with something better. If you are looking for a new color look I can prepare a sample of colors for you. Just call or email me and I will send you a facial profile questionnaire that will help me determine a compatible palette for you. You can also visit my website for a virtual makeover uploading your picture so you can try new makeup, hair color or style, and even bridal accessories for fun.

So come on take a chance on change. I offer FREE facials for you to try the TimeWise Miracle Set before you consider buying it. I also will provide you with a second FREE facial with a new color look as a follow up to your first facial. What do you have to loose?

Paddy Pizappi

Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Friday, October 8, 2010

Yes All in All - It's A Wonderful World!

All in all it is a wonderful world. A friend posted a link to an all time favorite feel good song this morning, It's a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong and I smiled as I listened to it.

There are so many distractions and duties we are all forced to do that sometimes we forget just how wonderful life is. There will be bad times for sure but those times teach us lessons and help us appreciate the good times all the more. I know these trials might not seem that way at the time but they are more valuable in our journey than the easy breezy times.

I hope this day that you are in a good and happy place but if you are not I hope that you will take a step today to change the course of your life. I have used the Serenity Prayer to get me through and help me focus on the things I must do rather than wallow in what I can not do. When times get tough I hope you will find strength in these words as well....
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." - Reinhold Niebuhr

So take control of the only thing you have true control over, your own actions. Think positively and you will make it through. It truly is a wonderful world and I appreciate the gift of each new day.
The universe is not out to get us and often throws us a lifesaver when we are feeling pulled under... It is up to us to grab hold and see with clearer eyes the beauty and magnificence of it all.

I am here to help if you need a new direction. I will help you with your skin care and cosmetics but as we talk you will find more. More confidence, more joy, and more reasons to celebrate life. I can find you a path to a little more money or a more satisfying full time career. So if you need one, here's a lifesaver. W
hat you do with it is up to you.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Who Wants To Party???

Let’s plan your Mary Kay party right now. Take advantage of the lull before the Holiday Season to have some fun with your girlfriends. We can have a traditional Pampering Party with facials and skin care and of course fun and games OR host an Open House with all the wonderful gift items available through Mary Kay on display to see, touch, and in some cases smell.

October and early November are the times to get the girls together before all the madness of the year end festivities so let’s talk as soon as possible. I do have some wonderful gift ideas for $10 and up and I include a free $10 gift card and wrapping with each purchase. Visit to view the latest Look Book Catalog to see the full line up of products available this Fall.

Paddy Pizappi

Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director


Thankful For The Women Who Came Before

Did you know that it was only 90 years ago that women finally won the right to vote? Mary Kay Ash was born 2 years before women accomplished the goal and grew up during a time when she saw women continue to be treated as second class citizens. She worked for many years in the direct sales industry while raising her children as a single mom. She learned hard truths about the treatment of women in the workforce and decided that she would start a company that would provide opportunity for any women willing to work. She was warned that the business plan and philosophy of the company she started in 1963 could never work yet it thrives almost 50 years later. Still offering women a chance to dream and succeed.

I am thankful this Thursday that I live in a time when having the right to vote is a given for me. I grew up during the years that Mary Kay was forging a path of opportunity for women to follow and I know how different life is for my daughters due to the opportunities that the women of the Suffrage movement fought so hard for and that women like Mary Kay opened the doors to career opportunities that treat women as equals. There are so many possibilities to choose from today that those women never imagined.

My message is simple to all women today. Thank your predecessors by getting out and exercising your right to vote this November. Thank the women who pushed on the glass ceiling to open opportunities unimagined by those brave women by being the best you can be at work and at home with your families. Women do have the right to do it all, they just need to choose the path that is right for them and follow it with enthusiasm. Thankfully we are able to choose.

If you are looking for an opportunity I urge you to look into Mary Kay. Mary Kay's philosophy is simple "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and place faith first, family second, and company third. If that sounds like a great plan to you, give me a call to learn how you can get started today.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Do You Wish You Could Change?

The changing leaves got me thinking about changes we wish we could make. Many people wish they could change. They are dissatisfied with the way they look. They are dissatisfied with the way they feel. They are dissatisfied with their bank accounts. Let's face it many people go through day after day unhappy because of things they believe they are not able to change. WELL Cut That Out! Make the choice for change today.

If you are unhappy with your look start taking better care of yourself. Eat right. Exercise. Dress well even if you have nowhere to go. Of course I recommend establishing a great skin care routine to start and end each day. I use the
Mary Kay Miracle Set and the Mary Kay Microdermabrasion Set myself. Looking in the mirror at a fresh clean face and seeing the dramatic improvements over time will improve your attitude!

If you are unhappy with the way you feel find some positive people to be around. I find that meeting with my positive friends on facebook every morning and talking with positive people during the day helps me immensely. The last thing you need when trying to feel better is a bunch of negative input. Part of my "positive posse" are my Mary Kay Team and Unit. We have fun and encourage each other on to success.

If you are unhappy with your bank account then go out and do something about it. Start paying down debt, just an extra few dollars a month will help as you see balances decrease. Find an extra stream of income or a new career. I know the economy is rough but some industries are thriving. I can help you with that too. Join my Mary Kay Team and we will get you on the road to success if you are willing to work at it.

So don't just sit there and mope. Makes some changes and your whole life will improve. Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Overworked and Underpaid???? Here's a Thought

Do you ever feel like you are running as fast as you can and not moving a step ahead? I know a lot of women who work really really hard every day and are still stuck in bad situations. Are you tired of working so hard and not getting anywhere?

I know you know all about hard work. You are taking care of our families and/or friends, working full time jobs or a couple of jobs to make ends meet, and no matter how much time and effort you put in we end up exhausted with inadequate income and reward at the end of each week.

If you find yourself putting in way more than you are getting out I want to talk to you. You already know how to hustle to get things done. You have great experience at squeezing an impossible amount of tasks into a 24 hour day. You are ready to find a way to make the efforts pay off in a big way for you.

The Mary Kay Opportunity is not for the Negative Nellies or the Lazy Lucys of the world. It is for women who want to determine their own futures. It is for women who like to see the hustle pay off for them rather than their bosses. It is for women who love taking care of their family but need a little something they can be successful at while making sure the family is cared for.

You can succeed in Mary Kay with effort and a plan. This is the perfect time to get started...the holiday selling season is almost here and I can show you how to make it a wonderful first holiday of your Mary Kay business. Mary Kay has a proven formula and a great product line to sell. The business works if you work according to the plan. Join me and I will help you to succeed because if you shine in your business the you make me shine even brighter. Bring me your work ethic and enthusiasm and let's dazzle them with brilliance.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Monday, October 4, 2010

Helping to Find a Cure - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Here we are on the first Monday of October. October means apple picking, pumpkin hunting, colored leaves and cooler temperatures. October is also a time when we recognize the need for continuing research and early detection of Breast Cancer.

Breast Cancer has affected almost everyone I know either directly or impacted the life of a close friend or relative. The facts are that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. I know many women who are fighting the fight right now. They are longing to hear the words "Cancer free" or you are in remission. They are hanging on hoping for a cure.

So as the month is beginning ladies make sure you have taken the time for a breast self exam. Here is a link to the Mary Kay Foundation's self exam PDF to remind you of the procedure. If you have not had a mammogram or have not had one in a while get on the phone and schedule one. And find a way to help others through spreading awareness.

This month I am donating 5 % of all my sales to the Mary Kay Foundation. The dual mission of the foundation is to provide funding for research into finding cures for cancers that affect women and assisting women and children who are victims of domestic violence.
Click on this link to see the recipients of the 2010 grants for research into these cancers from the Mary Kay Foundation.

Here's hoping you have a great October and that the research being conducted throughout the country will result in the cure we are all praying for.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Saturday, October 2, 2010

You Do So Much But Do You Do For You?

Ladies you are amazing! I have to tell you how totally incredible you are. Women are true multi-taskers who manage to do more in a day than should be possible. We are the glue that holds things together and the oil that keeps things moving along. One thing we don't often do is take time for ourselves.

Well I want to take this time to remind you that if you don't take a break once in a while you will run out steam and everything else will grind to a halt. So go ahead and give yourself a gift, take some time for you, and you will return to your regularly scheduled program refreshed and renewed... to deal with the million and one issues that come up every day.

So tell me what are you going to do for you this coming week? I have FREE facials and pampering sessions with Mary Kay that I can offer and it can take as little as 30 minutes from start to finish. Surely you can find a half hour in the week for that. Your skin will feel amazing and you will feel great too! Call or text me today for a local appointment or a mailer containing all you need and a phone consultation to tell you how to do it.

I am looking forward to giving you a brake. Now all you have to do is take advantage of my offer. Enjoy your weekend and the upcoming week. Remember to take time for you or you won't be able to give as much to others.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Plan For October - Here's Mine Make Yours Today!

It is the First Day of October in the Year 2010. I have big plans for the month.

We are going to Party with a Purpose all month by raising funds that will help support research into cancers that affect women. I am donating 5% of all sales to the Mary Kay Ash Foundation in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Join the Party by ordering on line, calling me with a catalog order, or scheduling a Party with a Purpose of your own.

I am going to help a lot of women to find more confidence and feel great about themselves by showing them the awesome products from Mary Kay that will take care of their skin. When you look good you feel good so set up your FREE facial today!

My Mary Kay Team will grow by at least 10 lucky women who will start the road to extra income or a new career with Mary Kay at the busiest time of our selling year. Check out the opportunity on my website under the Sell Mary Kay tab and learn about this outstanding opportunity for yourself. You can join my team no matter where you live so don't let distance stop you!

Whatever your goals for the month are it is important to state them out loud and clear. Take a minute this morning to clarify your goals, plan your attack, then charge! I wish you a wonderful month filled with success and growth.

Paddy Pizappi
Independent Mary Kay Consultant and Future Director